The clay balls are in the kiln at Berkwood Hedge School (thanks to my inside source, the fabulous Kalen Meyer) cooling off after 24 hours of "candling" and a 12 hour slow fire. I'll go pick them up today! Our test run went really well and the bisqued balls are a beautiful sort of butterscotch color. Now all I need is a title for the installation... any ideas? Dare I ask...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Getting fired!
The clay balls are in the kiln at Berkwood Hedge School (thanks to my inside source, the fabulous Kalen Meyer) cooling off after 24 hours of "candling" and a 12 hour slow fire. I'll go pick them up today! Our test run went really well and the bisqued balls are a beautiful sort of butterscotch color. Now all I need is a title for the installation... any ideas? Dare I ask...